All of our work is based on our belief that continued success is integral to the future of the Jewish People.
We are dedicated to offer programmes as gathering places, where people of all ages
and from all walks of Jewish life, can meet, more inspired by their Jewish heritage
and more connected to their communities and to one another.
Community Resilience
Thanks to a generous grant from UJA Federation of New York, ECJC has included in all of its flagship programmes from October 2015 a special unit on Resilience, targeting different populations according to the different organizational tracks. ECJC has decided to develop this special programme, which is an addition to all the existent and planned ECJC activities to help the different community sectors to respond to anti-Semitic and terror attacks and different emergencies in the most effective way.
ECJC is working with the different communities’ sectors with the goal of developing structures which will enable them to respond in front of a crisis, including internal systems for preparedness, media handling, internal communication, etc.