All of our work is based on our belief that continued success is integral to the future of the Jewish People.
We are dedicated to offer programmes as gathering places, where people of all ages
and from all walks of Jewish life, can meet, more inspired by their Jewish heritage
and more connected to their communities and to one another.
Jewish Education

ECJC objectives are to explore common issues such as improving standards of education, teacher training methodologies, enriching curricula, student exchanges and broadening the vision of Jewish education policy.
Arachim -"Values"
Arachim is the "brand name" of ECJC Conferences on Jewish Education in partnership with JDC. Arachim Conferences have been held in Budapest, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Madrid and Warsaw. The last Arachim was held in May 2017 in London, United Kingdom. All the Arachim activities are held in partnership with JDC Europe and the Lauder Foundation.
The conferences usually include training seminars and workshops, stimulating community educational strategists and directors, foundations supportive of education, teachers, informal educators or youth workers in order to approach educational themes creatively, develop new technical skills and exchange curricula and programming ideas.
ECJC also develops regional Encounters, devoted to specific topics or issues, in full partnership with Educational organisations from the field of formal and informal Jewish Education. A seminar for Kindergarten Teachers was held in Milan together with the Alliance Israelite Universelle for a specific training on Pessach Values and Pedagogic Activities, a special seminar for Kindergarten heads on The Initial Steps of Jewish Education, and a special seminar for Principals of Schools called “Facilitating Change”, held in London with professionals from the University of Manchester. The Arachim Focus seminars attract an average of 20 Professionals to go deeper into a specific subject for 3 days of intensive training.