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All of our work is based on our belief that continued success is integral to the future of the Jewish People.

We are dedicated to offer programmes as gathering places, where people of all ages

and from all walks of Jewish life, can meet, more inspired by their Jewish heritage

and more connected to their communities and to one another.

Networking & Platform

The First General Assembly (GA) took place in Nice in 1999, followed by the 2001 GA in Madrid and Toledo.


In 2004 the ECJC and the American Joint Jewish Distribution Committee and local organisation Mazsihisz, the Federation of Jewish Communities in Hungary, hosted the 3rd General Assembly of Jews in Europe. Over 1000 delegates came together to discuss “Towards a new era, facing together the challenges of being Jewish in an enlarged Europe”.


The GA was an unmissable opportunity for members of communities across Europe to meet one another and exchange ideas and experiences.


The location of the General Assembly rotates among communities to enable delegates and the host community to experience different local cultures and traditions while reinforcing our common heritage. Under the frame of the 50th Anniversary of ECJC, due in 2018 there is a project of bringing this space back to life.

© 2024  - ECJC - European Council of Jewish Communities

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