Past Sessions

Social Welfare
Discovering the New Normal
How we, providers of Jewish Welfare services could be better prepared to provide services to a new group demanding support which before the crisis was self supporting?

Community Leadership
Through the crisis, into the future
An interactive discussion for Leaders of Jewish Organisations, allowing everyone to hear from their peers, share their views and learn how others deal with the new reality.

Security & Safety in the New Era
Which are the new symptoms related to the pandemic that our staff are dealing with? What are the consequences for our staff?

Mental Health of our Teams
Community Resilience
With the nature of their work changing daily and while making huge efforts in serving their members, we must always remember that the key to running a healthy organisation is making sure you keep your staff healthy.
Thanks to our speakers Shuli Greenstein (JewishCare, UK) and Eric Ghozlan (OSE, France) we had the opportunity to see two great examples of dealing with this issue.
The session was coordinated by David Gidron (JDC, Israel).

Preventing Burnout – Taking care of teams in the front line
Social Welfare
Organised and co-ordinated by the ECJC / JDC Social Welfare Committee, we invited Education Manager of Jami (UK), Philippa Carr, to discuss the importance of not only taking care of clients but, perhaps more importantly, taking care of Social Workers as Front Liners. A very interesting discussion about the balance between serving and preserving took place and it became clear that one of the most important elements in serving others is to guarantee we are in the best shape to do it.

Isolation and Senior Population II
Social Welfare
In this 2nd session we looked into successful programmes developed by some welfare services, aiming to decrease the impact of the isolation in Senior Population. An interesting session for all 25 participants and a great inspiration coming from service providers in the field.

Identifying Challenges and creating a support group
Social Welfare
A meeting of the SW services to check on each other, how is the response required, what are their challenges, what are their fears, situation in the field.

COVID-19 and the Philanthropic Standpoint
New Funding Challenges
Gathering almost 40 participants from all over Europe, we had the opportunity to hear from Sigal Yaniv Feller, (Director of Advisory Services JFN) who discussed the effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the existing Funding Channels and what this means for the future of Jewish Organisations.
This session was hosted in collaboration with our partners in Hakhel, the the Jewish International Communities Incubator.

Isolation and Senior Population I
Social Welfare
A great online session lead by Dr Martin Auerbach, National Clinical Director of AMCHA, Israel, looking into the different psyhological and clinical effects the Isolation could bring to seniors.
More than 35 prividers of Social Welfare joined the call and learned how their clients might be affected and gathered useful tips on how to address these effects from a safe distance.

12 Skills to Grow your Community
JCC's & Small Organisations
In a session organised with Rabbi David Levin-Krus (Jewish Education Director, JDC-Europe), we explored the link between the values of the ancient Israelite tribes, each representing a different quality, and how they are today needed to operate a successful community building. Using art and words, participants learnt the key features of each tribe and then analyzed their own communities to capitalize on their strengths.
How to Zoom you Sedder
Community Developtment

With this lesson we tried helping Educators find ways to transform any lesson into a rich, virtual experience that impacts their learners by combining platform with practice.
The session included tips, tricks and tools for how to plan experiential online learning opportunities, educators got to learn how to get the most out of Zoom to best engage and inspire learners regardless of the subject matter.
By Tamara Rebick, Founder & Chief Experience Officer of Coriphery Holistic Consulting Solutions

Bringing the School Online
Following the steps of the first school in Europe which jumped immediately full time in online presence, the session with the presentation by Luna Alfon Coriat, Principal of the Ibn Gbirol School, Madrid, Spain, we discussed the following topics:
- How do we prepare teachers?
- How we guarantee maximum participation?
- How do we follow up?